The great discoveries and legacy of the Father of Cannabinoid Research.

During his career, he carried out numerous studies on cannabis compounds and, in particular, he was the first scientist to isolate delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). These discoveries represented a very important step forward in the understanding of cannabinoids and their therapeutic potential.
Thanks to his long and passionate research, Mechoulam has contributed to advancing knowledge about cannabinoids and their beneficial properties. In particular, his studies demonstrated the importance of THC and CBD and how they had different therapeutic effects when their ratio varied .
The great discoveries
Raphael Mechoulam and his research team were the first to isolate, identify and synthesize CBD (1963) and THC (1964). The discovery of THC was a crucial step in understanding the pharmacology, biochemistry and therapeutic potential of Cannabis. Thanks to Mechoulam's discovery, today we know that THC binds to the cannabinoid receptors present in our central nervous system, understanding that it is the only psychoactive molecule together with some of its isomers. In 1992 he discovered the first of the cannabinoids present and produced naturally in our body, an endogenous cannabinoid: anandamide (AEA) (from the Sanskrit word “Ananda” which means bliss, happiness, joy).
During the studies of THC on our body, the "endocannabinoid system" was discovered, involved in the regulation of multiple biological functions: only the study of the hemp plant allowed this enormous discovery, were the words of the professor himself. Thanks to the work of Mechoulam and his team, an entire field of research on cannabinoids and their therapeutic potential has opened up, which has led to numerous studies on the medical properties of cannabis.
The role of cannabinoids and the entourage effect
In recent years, research on cannabinoids has made great strides. Thanks to the numerous studies conducted by Mechoulam and other researchers, we know that cannabinoids can have multiple beneficial effects on health.
The studies conducted by Mechoulam also led to the discovery of the entourage effect. This effect occurs when cannabinoids work together synergistically to produce stronger therapeutic effects than those produced by a single cannabinoid. For example, some studies suggest that the anti-inflammatory effect of CBD can be enhanced by the presence of other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids naturally present in the plant.
Mechoulam has made many attempts to make room for his research, with regret and disappointment always paid little attention to. The 1988 case was famous when together a Brazilian working group demonstrated that CBD was a powerful antiepileptic drug. Only a few years ago we returned to this research, carrying out several clinical studies which highlighted for the umpteenth time properties that could have assisted patients from all over the world for decades.

Mechoulam's legacy
Mechoulam was a pioneer in cannabis research, with around 350 studies to his credit. Although he encountered numerous obstacles to overcome with more or less difficulty, he continued his research until the age of 92. Some of his most significant discoveries have paved the way for new therapies to treat various pathologies, including cancer, neuropathic pain, osteoporosis, arthritis, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis, diabetes, obesity, depression and many others.
Mechoulam's approach to the study of cannabis has always been serious and respectful, despite the social stigmas surrounding the plant. He has received awards and recognition all over the world but the value and potential of his research, which can change, has not yet been understood. Perhaps it is because he chose a controversial topic, but he faced these challenges with the calm of the strong, knowing the many properties of this plant and how much it can reveal.
Mechoulam has left us a wealth of groundbreaking information. He planted the seeds for future generations to care for, cultivate and deepen these research works with passion, love and curiosity, bringing this plant to the splendor it deserves. In an interview, he expressed regret about the lack of human clinical studies and research on the endocannabinoid system.
We hope that his contributions will continue to inspire future generations of researchers as he has inspired us at Hentourage, drop by drop to feed the sea he has stirred.
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