A period full of anxiety is approaching for us and our four-legged friends. Here are the preventative solutions to arrive at the holidays with peace of mind and celebrate together.

A period full of anxiety is approaching for us and our four-legged friends. Here are the preventative solutions to arrive at the holidays with peace of mind and celebrate together.
Zero Fear of Barrels

CBD has been shown in numerous animal and human studies to reduce anxiety on its own.
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CBD has been shown in numerous animal and human studies to reduce anxiety on its own.
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CBD has been shown in numerous animal and human studies to reduce anxiety on its own.
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CBD has been shown in numerous animal and human studies to reduce anxiety on its own.
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The endocannabinoid system (EPS) is by definition an endogenous system (which has internal origin) of communication between cells and is of great importance for the regular functioning of the organism. In fact, it takes care of the regulation of pain, inflammation, appetite, hormones, glucose metabolism and the immune response. Cannabinoids act on EPS: endocannabinoids (internally produced cannabinoids) and phytocannabinoids (of predominantly plant origin).
It is the receptors that are responsible for encoding the messages that the cannabinoids carry. Worth mentioning are CB1s which are mainly widespread in the peripheral and central nervous system (they are also partly present in other types of tissues other than nervous such as endocrine glands, the reproductive and urinary systems). CB2 receptors are instead prevalent on immunocompetent cells: in the intestine, liver, spleen, tonsils, lymphocytes,

Hemp and Cannabis of the same genus and species, Cannabis Sativa. The big difference that has led to distinguishing them is in the concentration of cannabinoids: CBD (a non-psychoactive active ingredient with great relaxing, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving abilities) is higher in hemp; in Cannabis the THC (the psychotropic active ingredient produced by cannabis flowers) is much higher. This is why the latter has always been referred to in Rastafarian and often derogatory terms, to the point of recognizing it under the name Marijuana which has only brought another element of confusion into the discussion. Only in recent years have cannabis and marijuana been separating their meanings in favor of Cannabis which is often linked to therapeutic use.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is CBD?
What are terpenes?
What is the Endocannabinoid System?